Trump effect on Indian IT Industry

                     It is pincer -like attack on indian IT industry and software professionals. Unites States president Donald Trump is very much interested to full fill his the promises that he had made to Americans by signing an order overhauling work visa popolarly knon as H1B Visa. it is a legislation proposed by his senators doubling the minimum salary of foreign professionals to $130,000 from $60,000 .
                     By making difficult to the Non Americans  who are being replacing Americans Donald Trump has created panic situations to the indians who are theNearly two-thirds of H1B visa applicants. Indians work for Indian IT firms such as TCS, Infosys and Wipro or the local operations of US firms such as Accenture, IBM and Google.
                     Proposed Draft of the order said to bereverse ex-President Barack Obama’s extension of the duration of the optional practical training work visas, which allowed foreign students  mainly indians who are going to US at least 40,000 in number every year to stay in the US a bit longer after completion of their studies.
                    The order if signed by the President Trump, Secretary  of Homeland Security would have to review all regulations that allow foreign nationals to work in the US and determine which of those regulations violate the immigration laws or are not in national interest.
                     The presidential executive order will  direct the concerned secretaries of Home land and Labour departments to maintain the integrity of employment based non-immigrant worker programmes and better protect US and foreign workers affected by these programmes.

                    The order proposes a commission to analyse the immigration policies and their impact on United States. The IT Industry , IT companies and software professionals are in panic like situation with the legislation and order of Trump Government. The indian students and their parents are in total worry about the future in America. Indian government says that  thare would be no strains in indian interests at United States .

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