United States of America president elect Donald Trump has appointed an Indian who is an expert on strategic communications and political research as his deputy assistant and research director on the White House staff. The announcement stated that Rajan Shah Shah would also hold the post of deputy communications director.

                 Rajan Shah  paly vital roll in Trump's campaign highliting contradictions in opponent  Hillary Clinton's political positions and other issues like  handling of her private email server, which turned into a  main campaign topic. Rajan Shah was also credited with developing the organisation's opposition research book on Hillary noted by the Republican National Committee website.
               Shah  was appointed  on Wednesday to the White House  as deputy assistant to the president elect  . " He will be key leader in helping to implement the president-elect's agenda and bring real change to Washington.". said Reince Priebus, who will be Trump's chief of staff."  Rajan Shah is one of the instrumental over the last several months,  in helping the President-elect," he added.
                Rajan Shah is presently  the research director and deputy communications director at the Republican National Committee and also the managing director of America Rising, a company that provides research to candidates. He is also a specialist on opposition research. He had earlier done a stint at the White House as reserch assistant during the Presidentship of George W Bush and also worked in John McCain's 2008 against  Barack Obama the present US President.
                  Indians are discussing about how  Rajan Shah's appointment as deputy assisitant to the president elect Donald Trump will  showeffect on Trump's idealogy and decissions with regard to  the future of Indian community in United States .