Popular South indian actor Bhavana, known for her appearances in Malayalam cinema,also acted in telugu film "Mahatma" was abducted and molested inside her car in Kochi on the night of February 17 around 9 pm near the Athani junction.
The culprits reportedly forced themselves into Bhavana's car near Athani and Angamaly and molested her till they stopped the car at Palarivattom. The men also took compromising photos and videos of the young actor.
As of this moment, three culprits have been arrested by the police. The arrested include main accused Sunil Kumar AKA Pulsar Suni who was Bhavana's former driver.The incident has shook up Kerala and there has been a massive backlash against the molestation on social media, including many questioning how safe are women in Kerala, India's most literate state.
The gang stopped and forced themselves into Bhavana's car near Athani and Angamaly. Then they molested her till the car reached Palarivattom. The police have taken Bhavana's driver into custody. The actor reported that her former driver was a part of the gang that entered her car.
The culprits reportedly took videos and photos of the young actor as well. After getting off at Palarivattom, the gang escaped in another car. According to Manorama News, Sunil Kumar AKA Pulsar Suni is the main culprit in this case.
Bhavana then took shelter in a film director's house in Kakkannad. The director informed the police after which the cops arrived at the place and took down the actor's statements. The police reportedly have got a lead on those absconding.
Yathis Chandra, DCP, Law & Order, Kochi has said " police has already nabbed one person - her driver Martin. We have proof that he is involved in the crime.We suspect that her former driver, Sunil is the mastermind of the crime. He is known to be involved in drug pedalling, chain snatching and hawala cases".

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